The missing link: the Sephardic detective novel and its connection with the chivalric novel. A hypothesis


  • Paola Bellomi University of Siena



Sephardic Novel, detective novel, chivalric novel, reception theory, Pseudotranslation


The detective novel belongs to the so-called “adopted genres”, that is, it represents a sample of “foreign” literature that penetrated and settled in the Sephardic communities of the East at the beginning of the 20th century. My purpose is to investigate this production in its context of creation and dissemination, with the aim of offering new data on a narrative that offered models far removed from the traditional ones and that was also inserted in the majority Turkish culture, which at that time was living some profound changes. The hypothesis is that Sephardic best-sellers looked as much towards the new and successful Turkish detective genre as towards the old tradition of the Spanish chivalric novel.


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